Bridge from the 1700’s and site of reprisals against the partisans during World
War II
An historical bridge in the shape of a donkey’s back. It connects the two banks of Vinca’s Lucido Creek at the point of confluence with the Lucido of Equi.
Built in 1743, its name derives from a depiction of Saint Lucia built there in 1818. The bridge is found right on the Gothic Line and was the site of the terrible murder of Don Luigi Ianni, pastor of Vinca, during the Second World War. On the bridge a tombstone and a cross are dedicated to Don Ianni.
How to find it
The Santa Lucia Bridge is located in the town of Monzone Alto, locality in the Fivizzano township.
How to get there
Once past the town of Monzone, one finds the road for Equi Terme. There’s a fork in the road where staying to the left one goes to Equi Terme, but keeping on straight one arrives at Monzone Alto. The bridge is located at this turnoff.
Nearby we find
The Grottoes of Equi Terme, the town of Vinca, the theater of Nazi massacres during World War II on the slopes of the Apuan Alps.