Malaspina Archive Museum

Museum dedicated to the Malaspina family of Mulazzo and to the figure of the Navigator Alessandro Malaspina

This museum was founded by Dario Manfredi and is dedicated to the Malaspina family of Mulazzo and in particular to Alessandro Malaspina a great navigator of the 18th century .
In fact, it was Alessandro who carried out the last expedition around the world in 1700. A significant section of the museum displays objects that belonged to Alessandro such as maps, books and essays produced during his travels, as well as all the material produced during his expedition around the world between 1789 and 1794, including drawings and paintings of animals, plants, places he saw and native people he met.

The museum preserves the personal archive of the Malaspina family of Mulazzo, in a special library where more than 9,000 books, 600 periodicals and over 25,000 handwritten documents (or manuscripts) belonging or related to the family are kept.
The museum has a conference room with two permanent exhibitions and three rooms where interesting family relics are displayed. There are also documents regarding the history of navigation and the anthropological, mapmaking, geographical and philosophical relationship between Europe and the American Continent .
Of particular interest are the documents regarding some of the most important Malaspina women of the past: Annetta Malaspina, Maria Teresa Cybo-Malaspina and Maria Beatrice D’Este Malaspina, the last princess of Carrara.

Special openings are organized for groups from Monday to Friday from 08.30am to 1.30pm whereas duringà- the summer (April – October) the openings are guaranteed by the Borough of Mulazzo and by the Istituto Valorizzazione Castelli on the following days: Saturday, Sunday and Holidays from 3.00pm to 7.00pm

Where is the Museum?

The Museum is situated in the centre of the ancient hamlet of Mulazzo, in the ancient Palazzo Malaspina. The main entrance to the Museum is in front of Dante’s Tower.

How to reach the Museum

Once in Mulazzo, pass the arches and follow the road on the right as far as the car park in Piazza Alessandro Malaspina. The Museum is on the right of the square.

Nearby you can find

Borgo di Mulazzo, Museo Dantesco Lunigianese, Santuario della Madonna del Monte, Il Castello di Castevoli, il Valico dei Casoni, il borgo di Montereggio, l’antico ponte della Groppa e le Cascate di Parana.

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