Passo del Lagastrello

The Apennine Mountain pass connecting Comano with Parma and Reggio Emilia

The Lagastrello Pass is a winding mountain pass thru the Tuscan-Emilian Apennines – the highest part of the pass reaching approximately 1,198 meters above sea level. To this day, this ancient road provides a vital connection between Lunigiana and the Provinces of Parma and Reggio Emilia. Along this Pass is also located Paduli Lake, an artificial lake fromed by the Lagastrello Dam. From here, the Enza river flows towards it’s final destination in the Po Valley.

This mountain pass was created in Roman times and was crossed by the “road of one hundred miles”, an important link between Parma and Luni. Widely used in the Lombard period for centuries, it was the only safe route between the Po Valley and Tuscany.

Curiosities for the tourist

The mountain overlooking the Lagastrello Pass is called Monte Malpasso. This name probably derives from the Latin “Malus Passus”, which is Latin for “bad way” or “bad pass”, and most likely indicated the difficulty of crossing this pass in ancient times. Today, you will find no such struggles on this route.

How to reach the Lagastrello Pass

From Licciana Nardi or Comano, follow the signs indicated for Passo del Lagastrello, thru the town of Tavernelle and continue along the indicated route. Shortly after the Paduli lake you will find the Lagastrello Pass.

Nearby you can find

Lago Paduli – Passo del Lagastrello, Lago Squincio, Castello di Comano (Comano Castle), Panchina Gigante di Comano, Monte Giogo, Prati di Camporaghena.

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